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Increase inverter from 600W to 800W - here's how!

Thanks to the change in the law on May 16, 2024, balcony power plants with 800W output can now also be operated in Germany. Our throttled 800W inverters can all be opened with a manual upgrade from the throttled 600W output to 800W. Here you can find the instructions for increasing the performance of your inverter.

NEP inverters
Black with Schwaiger logo and silver/black with NEP logo

SUNMASTER inverters

Silver with Smart Inverter lettering

1. Open the Cloud Intelligence app.
2. Log in to your customer account.
3. Select your inverter.
4. Tap the "Install" button at the top right.
5. Tap next to the hint field at the bottom left of the screen. This will open a window where you can enter your code.
6. Enter the code 083265SMMI in the field and then press "Save".
7. Your inverter will now switch to 800W output power.


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